Tuesday, 9 May 2017


It's been great fun to write this blog as part of my Effective Writing project and assignment. I was glad I get to share a bit of my writing with my coursemates and lecturer. Although I wasn't able to share my other writing pieces such as my fictional writing (those are available on another website, for free! Shameless promotion hahaha).

Thank you Dr. Sheena for giving us this chance to write blog posts and share our writing with the world, and thank you for guiding us in writing throughout these 14 weeks, you're the best!

Reflections on Writing Activities

I'm a great fan of writing prompts, they're great to generate ideas from. Writing activities are no different. When pitched with like-minded people, it can develop into something bigger and far more creative than we can ever expect.

All the writing activities done in class, from academic writing to planning out a research paper has given me an insight on how formal writing is done, and will help me greatly if I ever have to write a research paper in the future.